Mistaken identities: Valkyrie and Ms. Marvel’s awkward encounter

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Get ready for some hilarious superhero hijinks! A newly released deleted scene from The Marvels shows a case of mistaken identity involving Valkyrie and Ms. Marvel.

When Valkyrie video-calls her pal Captain Marvel, she doesn’t expect a total newbie to pick up. But that’s exactly what happens when Ms. Marvel answers the call, introducing herself as “Ms. Marvel.”

Valkyrie jumps to conclusions, assuming Captain Marvel got hitched again—probably remembering that whole marriage of convenience sitch with Prince Yan. Whoops!

Ms. Marvel has to awkwardly clarify that she is NOT married, while Valkyrie looks confused AF. The call ends abruptly, leaving the Asgardian warrior queen scratching her head.

The scene is a fun peek into the quirky dynamics between these powerful ladies. We don’t often see superheroes getting wires crossed in hilarious ways, so it’s a treat. Here’s hoping we get more wacky moments like this with Valkyrie, Captain Marvel, and Ms. Marvel in the future! Their chemistry is off the charts, even when they don’t know who exactly they’re talking to.

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