A recent rumour update revealed an intriguing twist in the upcoming MCU portrayal of Mister Fantastic. The MCU is about to get The Fantastic Four! On Valentine’s Day in 2025, Marvel Studios plans to introduce their First Family into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Matt Shakman, the director of WandaVision, has been confirmed to direct the picture.
Naturally, after John Krasinski’s death in Multiverse of Madness, fans have been speculating furiously about who would take his place as Marvel Studios’ next Reed Richards. Following several reports that Marvel Studios might move on from Krasinski’s portrayal of Reed, these fan castings have been made. Krasinski even admitted in an interview a few months back that Marvel Studios hasn’t gotten in touch with him about making a comeback in the 2025 Fantastic Four film. For the part of Reed in particular, a number of candidates from Hollywood’s A-list have been mentioned, including Adam Driver and Penn Badgley. And now, a fresh report may have revealed a very particular surprise that Reed and Sue from the MCU may be in for. One that has not been seen in the duo’s prior big-screen appearances.
Sue Storm and Reed Richards Are Considering Becoming Parents?

Mister Fantastic and the Invisible Woman will be introduced into the MCU as parents, according to source Jeff Sneider. This information, if accurate, indicates that the MCU marriage will probably be older than previous cinematic iterations. Although Sneider speculates that Marvel Studios may search for an actress in the 30 to 35 age bracket to play Sue, it is uncertain if the couple would have already become parents to both of their children, Franklin and Valeria. For context, Krasinski appeared in Doctor Strange 2 in his early 40s, even if the follow-up doesn’t mention Reed Richards’ conceivable paternity.
Franklin and Valeria are two of Sue and Reed’s children in the comics, as was previously mentioned. Due to genetic anomalies passed down from their parents during that tragic voyage to space in the team’s origin narrative, both of the children have abilities. Fantastic Four won’t be an origin narrative, as Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige has explicitly stated, so it seems likely that by the time spectators first encounter the quartet, their mythology would have advanced somewhat. It follows that at least one of their children should have already been born.
Franklin Richards is renowned for having extraordinary power and is frequently depicted as having the ability to change reality itself. It was none other than Victor von Doom who helped bring Valeria, Franklin’s younger sister, into the world. Doom got to pick Valeria’s name in exchange for assisting Sue with the delivery of the baby.
On February 14, 2025, Marvel Studios’ Fantastic Four opens in cinemas.