Fans of the beloved 90s animated series X-Men have been eagerly anticipating the upcoming continuation, X-Men ’97. Now, the first plot details have been revealed, giving fans a taste of what they can expect. Head writer Beau DeMayo has expressed his passion for continuing the legacy of the original series, while also maintaining the emotional core of the characters.
While much of the story is still shrouded in mystery, one interesting detail that has been released is that Magneto will be back, with a new look no less. In addition, the infamous mutant will also be leading the X-Men, a departure from his typical role as a villain. Fans are sure to be excited to see how this dynamic plays out in the new episodes.
The original X-Men animated series was a beloved part of many fans’ childhoods, and the upcoming continuation has a lot to live up to. However, with passionate writers like Beau DeMayo at the helm and intriguing plot details beginning to emerge, it seems that X-Men ’97 has the potential to capture the hearts of a whole new generation of fans.
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