On the spot, Robert Downey Jr. and Jon Favreau wrote a key Iron Man scene

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A major Iron Man sequence created by Jon Favreau and Robert Downey Jr. turned out to be one of the film’s most inventive, spontaneous, and memorable moments. Downey filled out the genesis narrative of the brash and single-minded billionaire Tony Stark in unforgettable passages in Iron Man. While his “I am Iron Man” monologue at the conclusion probably confirmed him as a character with a remarkable character arc, the Jericho missile test sequence was as noteworthy since it provided a peek of how Downey planned to represent Stark at the start of the film. In an interview, the actor also acknowledged that he worked with Favreau to get that sequence as natural as possible.

“There’s a scene where he’s doing a weapons test and he asks himself, ‘Is it better to be feared or respected?” “Is it too much to ask for both?,” Downey continued. “And Jon and I were literally writing that line for line as we shot it that day.” “I also put on sunglasses because everything was on cue cards.” It was the sort of thing where you go, it’s more essential that we feel like we’re just making this up as we go along and we like it, and there’s no technique we can’t use to hide the fact that we’re kind of making it up as we go along. But, once again, because of the massive cluster bomb explosion behind him, because the air mover drove me forward, and it was just one of those days.”

Downey was eager to give details about his other notable film appearances, including those in Less Than Zero, Zodiac, and Chaplin. His most recent role as a member of the Oppenheimer ensemble has received critical praise, but the actor confesses that his 11-year tenure as Iron Man was a game changer in his career. Downey recalled his collaboration with Favreau and how the director finally cast him as Tony Stark. “His endorsement of me to play that character, and then Kevin Feige having the fortitude to say, ‘Okay, bit of a risk, let’s do it,” he remarked. We enjoy risk,’ and it turned out to be a life-changing 15 years.”

The actor also praised Iron Man co-stars Jeff Bridges and Gwyneth Paltrow for boosting the cast’s creative chemistry and for allowing moments to be written or unscripted as needed. Downey expressed similar comments to the cast of Oppenheimer, which is led by an amazing group of character performers. “Every film is an art film if you treat it that way, and the most important films can be garbage, but it’s always about teams, leadership, and partnership,” he claims.
Robert Downey Jr. is slated to produce and appear in a remake of Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo, with Peaky Blinders writer Steven Knight composing the script.

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