The Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) is a world of superheroes, villains, and unforgettable moments. It has brought together some of the biggest names in Hollywood and created an unparalleled universe of storytelling. At the center of it all has been Nick Fury, played by the legendary actor Samuel L. Jackson.
With the release of The Marvels’ new trailer, it was officially confirmed that Jackson has surpassed Robert Downey Jr. as the actor with the most trailer appearances in MCU projects. Downey Jr. played Tony Stark, aka Iron Man, one of the most iconic characters in the MCU. However, after his character’s death in Avengers: Endgame, Jackson’s Nick Fury has lived on and accumulated more appearances in the franchise.
Jackson first appeared as Fury in the very first Iron Man movie, where he recruited Tony Stark into the Avengers Initiative. From there, Fury has been a staple of the MCU, appearing in various movies and TV shows.
Iron Man 2 (2010) saw Fury crop up just when Tony needed him most and provided him with a nudge in the right direction in his search for a cure to his palladium poisoning. In The Avengers (2012), Fury assembled his squad of superheroes when Thor’s mischievous brother Loki came knocking at Earth’s front doorstep.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014) saw Fury’s role as director of SHIELD fall with the organization itself. He played a crucial role in the fall of terrorist organization HYDRA. In Agents of SHIELD’s Season 1 Finale (2014), Nick popped up to help a newly-resurrected Phil Coulson and company defeat John Garrett.
In Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Fury appeared to give Tony a shot in the arm when things looked bleak. This act extended to the rest of the team when Nick showed up out of nowhere with a fully staffed helicarrier to aid in the evacuation of Sokovia. Post-Ultron, Nick Fury took a bit of a backseat in the MCU until his next major role in 2018’s Captain Marvel, where he assisted Carol Danvers in rediscovering herself.
In Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019), Fury interrupted Peter Parker’s vacation and asked the Wall-Crawler for assistance in dealing with a man named Quentin Beck who claimed to be from another universe. Marvel Studios’ first venture into animation, What If…? (2021), included an episode where a Variant of Fury dealt with the fallout of the Avengers being murdered by an unseen assailant.
Still yet-to-be-released, Secret Invasion (2023) will feature Nick taking the lead role of an MCU project for the first time ever. In the six-episode series, he’ll work alongside Talos to try and expose a sect of evil Skrulls who have infiltrated the planet. In the trailer for the forthcoming MCU release The Marvels (2023), Fury stands aboard SABER Space Station, supervising Captain Monica Rambeau before she swaps places with Jersey City superhero Kamala Khan.
All told, Nick Fury has shown up in a total of 10 Marvel trailers, surpassing Robert Downey Jr.’s Tony Stark who appeared in eight.
Samuel L. Jackson has been a noted comic book fan and clearly loves playing the character. Marvel Studios has always given the actor interesting new material to play with in each of his projects. Many speculated that Secret Invasion could be the last time out for Nick Fury, but The Marvels seemingly disproves that, as long as the movie takes place after the Disney+ show, which hasn’t yet been confirmed.
Jackson has spent the most time in the MCU over its 15-year history
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