Secret Invasion : Ben Mendelsohn on returning to work with Marvel and Samuel L. Jackson

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Ben Mendelsohn can’t contain his excitement about working with Marvel and Samuel L. Jackson again. In fact, he thinks they’re the best people on Earth and the best company to work for. With Secret Invasion on the horizon, Mendelsohn is eagerly anticipating what this dream team can accomplish.

Mendelsohn admits that he’s had a real evolution in his understanding of the genre, thanks to Marvel’s dominance. He’s impressed with the way they handle their projects and sees the team as geniuses in the field.

As for Samuel L. Jackson, Mendelsohn can’t say enough good things about him. He describes him as unbeatable and a blast to work with. Mendelsohn feels lucky to have the opportunity to work with such a legend and is determined to give his best performance to make Jackson shine even brighter. In Mendelsohn’s eyes, Jackson is a god among actors and a cool one at that.

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