9to5marvel has learned that “Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse” would not be published in the United Arab Emirates since it did not meet the country’s censorship standards. One of the issues that stopped a release from being allowed, according to insiders, was a moment in which a banner with the transgender flag and the words “Protect Trans Lives” can be seen in the backdrop of the frame.
The United Arab Emirates’ ban comes only one week before the Sony Pictures movie’s scheduled June 22 release date in the area. However, it happens frequently for the nation’s censorship board to halt the impending distribution of films with LGBTQ+ material. Last summer, a different animated movie had a comparable problem when Disney and Pixar’s “Lightyear” was prevented from being distributed in the nation due to a scene showing a same-sex kiss between two lesbian space rangers. The “Toy Story” spin-off was also prohibited in Malaysia, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia.
The decision by the censoring board on “Across the Spider-Verse” also signifies a turn after the movie’s 2018 predecessor, “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse,” did get a local release and made $1.7 million there. The release of “Across the Spider-Verse” in Saudi Arabia is still uncertain, despite the fact that the country’s censorship laws sometimes coincide with those of the United Arab Emirates.
The way “Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse” examines the journey of Gwen Stacy (voiced by Hailee Steinfeld), who some viewers have perceived as a trans-coded character, has garnered notice in addition to its display of a “Protect Trans Lives” banner. In the movie, Stacy keeps her father’s actual identity a secret. The transgender flag’s colours are clearly shown in scenes that are situated in the character’s world. Stacy isn’t labelled in the movie as transgender, though.