Pencilers Mark Bagley, Nathan Stockman (who also illustrated the issue’s backup story), and writer Dan Slott are the creators of Superior Spider-Man. It is a continuation of the story that was started in last month’s Superior Spider-Man Returns, which featured inker John Dell, colorist Edgar Delgado, and letterer Joe Caramgna. In that issue, Doctor Octopus found a powerful experiment that he recognised as something he had been trying to solve for years, and it appears that he had solved it while he was Spider-Man, though Octavius cannot remember HOW he solved it. The truth was exposed when he opened the sealed-off experiment, and it might be fatal for the actual Spider-Man. You see, Octavius had been working on a project to harness the power of a sun when he was Spider-Man. Naturally, it was challenging to control such a massive power source. Estrella Lopez was the lab assistant whom Octavius had employed to aid him with the experiment. Lopez quickly discovered that she had successfully joined Octavius’ thugs. She persisted in working on the experiment, nevertheless, and Lopez is mostly to blame for Octavius’ inability to recall the solution to his experiment’s puzzle.

To annoy her “boss,” Lopez chose to carry out the experiment alone after Octavius abruptly claimed credit for it. However, in the process, she unintentionally took in the experiment’s power. She was imprisoned by Octavius in a containment field, but he unintentionally let her out of it in the present as he was unable to recall the past. She is now threatening to get revenge, but she wants it on Spider-Man, who Octavius was once but isn’t anymore. The teaser pages show Spider-Man (together with his old and new sidekick, Spider-Boy) battling Estrella, who is now going by the name Super-Nova. He is unable to understand her strong antipathy for Spider-Man, as Peter is unaware of her identity (nor does he possess Octavius’ recollections from his days as Superior Spider-Man). Since Anna-Maria Marconi is one of the few people who know that Superior Spider-Man wasn’t the REAL Spider-Man, she might tell Estrella and Spider-Man what happened, but we won’t know for sure until Superior Spider-Man is released next week. Octavius’ former girlfriend from his time as Peter Parker’s body, Anna-Maria Marconi, also recognises Estrella.