Following his introduction in Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, Spider-Punk, also known as Hobie Brown, gained instant notoriety and was the subject of a new comic book series, action figure, and critical praise. Pre-orders for the new Spider-Punk toy are being accepted. The 7-inch-tall action figure features a guitar and is dressed in a detailed outfit. It also has a head devoid of the recognisable spider mask and replaceable hands. This year’s October shipping date is set for the $92.99 figure, which is a part of the S.H. Figuruarts line.
Japanese toy company Bandai produces collectible figures under the S.H.Figuarts label. Action figures and other products from several franchises are produced by S.H.Figuarts. The firm offers something for everyone, from iconic figures from comic books like the Avengers and well-known video games like Metal Gear Solid to beloved anime characters like Sailor Moon. Although the 2023 blockbuster Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse is largely responsible for Spider-Punk’s current surge in popularity, the character originally appeared in Amazing Spider-Man (Vol. 3), which was written by Dan Slott and illustrated by Olivier Coipel, Wade von Grawbadger, and Justin Ponsor. Hobart “Hobie” Brown was the Spider-Hero of Marvel’s Earth-138, created by Slott and Coipel. Hobie resides in a parallel dimension where President Ozzy Osborn, or Norman Osborn in his case, is in charge of all of America. Like the majority of Spider-Characters in the Marvel Multiverse, Hobie struggles against oppression following a spider bite alongside his right-hand man, Captain Anarchy (Karl Morningdew).
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