The making of Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse for Sony Pictures Animation was fraught with several challenges. On June 2, Across the Spider-Verse will be released in cinemas, and fans can anticipate seeing more of Miles Morales and the Into the Spider-Verse characters. There will definitely be a lot of the same qualities that made Into the Spider-Verse so endearing in the eyes of so many fans, as well as many more characters than in the previous movie and maybe more enemies like Vulture. The production of Across the Spider-Verse, however, evidently wasn’t without its challenges; the movie had a fair share of issues.
Issues with the Expensive Production of Across the Spider-Verse

The Town with Matthew Belloni presenter Matthew Belloni recently released a podcast episode in which he discussed Spider-Man: Across the Spider-production Verse’s issues. While discussing the potential box office for Across the Spider-Verse, Belloni briefly mentioned that these problems, which led to “a number” of sequences being rewritten, directly translated to Across the Spider-Verse eventually costing substantially more to produce than Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse:
According to Lord & Miller, who “sort of write as they go,” “it cost a lot more than the previous one [Into the Spider-Verse] because they had a number of difficulties on this one, and they trashed a bunch of material and went back.”
For comparison, the budget for Into the Spider-Verse was $90 million. It seems probable that Across the Spider-budget Verse’s is at least near the $100M threshold, if not greater, given that it is apparently more expensive. Since its announcement, Into the Spider-Verse has had two delays (the follow-up was originally scheduled to arrive in theatres in April 2022), raising the possibility that the studio’s decision to postpone the movie was influenced by these production issues. The delays, according to a new rumour, were brought on by Tom Holland’s participation in the future film.
Belloni disclosed that many of the issues encountered during the creation of Across the Spider-Verse were a direct result of alterations made on-the-fly by the writers, Phil Lord and Chris Miller. What might those alterations be, therefore, if there were so many that the budget was significantly raised and the delivery date could have been pushed back? It would obviously need either a few significant adjustments or a lot of little ones to make such a significant impact on the final result of the movie. There is no doubt that Across the Spider-Verse will be a huge undertaking, especially given the diversity of the Spider-People who will appear in it.
Having said that, Lord and Miller could not have liked certain passages that were changed during production. It’s also feasible that some character additions (like Tom Holland? ), made along the way, may have pushed this outcome. It is hardly surprising that Into the Spider-Verse underwent some of the countless adjustments that every film experiences throughout production. Even though their choices resulted in a few issues and extra costs for the studio, Lord and Miller finally made the judgements they believed to be appropriate and improved the movie overall.
On June 2, Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse will hit cinemas.