Sony Pictures Animation has announced that Miles Morales will be returning to screens in an original short film titled “The Spider Within,” set to debut at the Annecy International Animation Film Festival in June 2023. The short is part of the studio’s LENS mentorship program and explores Miles’ struggles with his various roles and responsibilities as a teenager, friend, student, and neighborhood superhero.
According to the synopsis, the film follows Miles as he experiences a panic attack brought on by the pressures of his many responsibilities. Through his struggles, Miles learns that asking for help can be just as brave as helping others as Spider-Man. This grounded and relatable story is likely to resonate with audiences and play a key role in Miles’ growth leading up to his next appearance in Spider-Man: Beyond the Spider-Verse.
While the third installment of the Spider-Verse franchise is set for release in March 2024, “The Spider Within” will be the next project featuring Miles Morales. Fans of the character have been clamoring for more of him, including a possible live-action crossover, and the announcement of this short film between Spider-Verse 2 and 3 comes as a pleasant surprise.
It’s unclear whether any characters from the upcoming sequel will make an appearance in “The Spider Within,” but given the short is set “in the world” of Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, it’s possible that the effects of the sequel could contribute to Miles’ story. This leaves fans wondering whether Hailee Steinfeld’s Gwen Stacy will appear in the short.
“The Spider Within” also serves as a showcase for the LENS mentorship program, which aims to empower and support new storytellers. Sony Pictures Animation and Sony Pictures Imageworks are partnering to provide aspiring filmmakers with the resources and guidance they need to succeed in the industry.
With “The Spider Within,” Sony Pictures Animation has provided Miles Morales fans with something to look forward to in the meantime before the third installment of the Spider-Verse franchise hits theaters. The short film promises to be a thought-provoking and engaging story that will contribute to Miles’ growth as a character and set the stage for what’s to come in the franchise.
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