The next superhero alliance between Jessica Drew and Spider-Man is with the sidekick he never knew he had. Soon after meeting her old friend and fellow Avenger Carol Danvers, Spider-Woman’s protagonist is confronted by an unexpected drone attacker. Fortunately, Spider-Boy is more than willing to return the favour his older Spider-themed hero forgets he owes Jessica Drew. Jessica Drew is not alone in this situation.

Bailey Briggs, originally portrayed by Dan Slott, Mark Bagley, John Dell, Andrew Hennessy, and Edgar Delgado in Spider-Man, has been combating crime as Spider-Boy for the past few years. In contrast to the rest of the Marvel Universe, which has little to no memory of him as a person or a hero, Bailey believes that to be the case. This is because Bailey’s beginnings sprang from nothing at all during the most recent mending of the Web of Life and Destiny. Jessica Drew was briefly wiped out in this similar attack on the Web of Life and Destiny, which was carried out by the ancient evil Shathra and her insectile army. Even though Jessica returned soon after being freed from the bonds of Destiny and the Web of Life, her life had clearly changed. Of these changes, the most visible and heartbreaking were the disappearance of Jessica’s young son Gerry and the loss of nearly everyone else’s memory that the kid had ever lived at all.
Spider-Woman took advantage of the continuing war for New York City in the just finished Gang War storyline to follow up on any information she might uncover concerning Gerry’s location. As it happened, Hydra abducted Gerry not long after Jessica vanished. Gerry, on the other hand, was made to appear older and more powerful by artificial means before being indoctrinated to become Green Mamba, Hydra’s newest superassassin. Jessica was easily outmatched by Gerry in their first meeting, which ultimately led to Green Mamba’s escape along with the other Hydra operatives, including Diamondback, because of her astonishment and her desire to protect her own kid.