Gareth Edwards, the director of the sci-fi film “The Creator,” recently sat down with BroBible’s Post Credit Podcast to address the rumors that he’s being considered for “Thor 5” in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Edwards joked about the rumors, saying that he texted the link to his girlfriend and told her he didn’t want her to find out that way. However, he confirmed that he has never heard anything about it and that the internet can be an incredible place for spreading rumors.
Despite not being involved in the MCU at this time, Edwards expressed his love for Marvel and the superhero movies. He also mentioned that many of his friends work on Marvel films. However, he is more interested in pursuing original sci-fi stories and taking risks in his own work. He believes that being allowed to fail is an important part of creativity and wants to push the boundaries of his own filmmaking.
Edwards went on to explain that he enjoys watching all the other movies and franchises, and he has most of them on his DVD/Blu-ray shelf. He never says never and, under the right circumstances, he would consider working on a Marvel film. However, he is most excited about pursuing his own original ideas in the sci-fi genre.
In conclusion, while the rumors of Gareth Edwards directing “Thor 5” are just that – rumors – the director himself seems to be more interested in pursuing his own creative endeavors in the sci-fi genre. He has a passion for telling original stories and taking risks in his filmmaking, which is something that sets him apart from the more formulaic superhero films. Regardless of whether he ends up directing a Marvel movie or not, we can look forward to seeing more of his unique vision on the big screen.