The plot of The Amazing Spider-Man takes an intriguing turn when Sergei Kravinoff, a former hunter, turns becomes a target. After seemingly passing away in Kraven’s Last Hunt, Kraven reappears in The Grim Hunt owing to the efforts of his family. His wife, Sasha, and his children, Anastasia and Alexei Kravinoff, brought him back to life so that he might exact revenge on his archrival, Spider-Man. Kraven, however, is cursed with a “unlife” and can only end the curse by passing away at Spider-Man’s hands. Kraven once more targets the wall-crawler in the six-part “Hunted” narrative in Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 5. But his “Great Hunt” comes to a stop when his own cloned child, the Last Son of Kraven, kills him for the second time, not Spider-Man.
In Amazing Spider-Man #33, published in September, the web-slinger is involved in yet another conflict with Kraven. The previously unveiled cover art shows Spider-Man sneakily chasing his victim through the streets of New York while sporting his iconic black-and-white outfit from the 1980s. The extensive history between Spider-Man and Kraven is explored in this plot, according to writer Zeb Wells and artist Patrick Gleason. Spider-Man has a critical event that strengthens his resolve to find Kraven and exact revenge on him. As Spider-Man seeks retribution for Kraven’s Last Hunt, the creators promise a dramatic and entertaining inversion of their typical dynamic.
According to Marvel, the “big Spider-Event” of Wells and Romita’s second year on Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 6 is set up in the special oversize issue Amazing Spider-Man #31, which goes on sale on August 9th. More preludes and sneak peaks into some of the greatest upcoming Spider-projects may be anticipated by readers. Before the happenings in Amazing Spider-Man #33, the plot in Amazing Spider-Man #32 pairs Kraven with the Queen Goblin, laying the groundwork for the impending “Spider-Man’s First Hunt.” Fans should put September 6 on their calendars as the publication date of Amazing Spider-Man #33.