The dark side of Doctor Strange is discussed by Sam Raimi

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Sam Raimi, the director of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, discussed the villainous side of the titular Master of the Mystic Arts and why it’s advantageous. Doctor Strange is a decent man, but he has his own psychiatric issues, as Raimi noted in The Art of Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness artbook. He occasionally exhibits signs of selfishness, conceit, and pride. Additionally, this keeps him from being a perfect decent man. Some other magicians who are fighting for good believe that his exploration of the supernatural and struggle with his dark side are unethical. A significant contradiction with the character exists there. Raimi continued by saying that despite being a superhero, he felt Stephen Strange to be “a character at war with himself,” like everyone else, which made him approachable. “We find Doctor Strange at the beginning of Multiverse of Madness as someone who has not only passed through the mastery of magic, but who’s now dealing with the results of a life spent devoted to one’s craft at the extreme of his personal life,” the author continued.

Raimi went on to say that he feels Doctor Strange is dissatisfied and lonely because he hasn’t accepted “those things that have put him aside from the ones he loves,” which Raimi believes have caused him to feel alone. That is where he begins in this movie, said Raimi. “And he’s going to find a way to open up and become a little bit more enlightened as a human being throughout the course of this journey,” the author continued. Raimi stated in 2022 that he liked contributing his horror expertise to the Marvel Cinematic Universe with regard to his personal contribution in Multiverse of Madness. Raimi was thrilled that Marvel Studios President and CCO Kevin Feige called him to discuss directing it, saying, “I was able to take those horror films that I made in my youth and use what I had learned from them building suspense sequences, titillating the audience.” He went on to say that when Feige announced that Multiverse of Madness would be the MCU’s first entry to “put their toe into the world of horror,” Raimi was thrilled. Regarding Doctor Strange himself, a new rumour states that the “Time Runs Out” plot will be adapted for his third film appearance. Although neither Disney nor Marvel have formally acknowledged this, it should be highlighted.

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