The director of Doctor Strange sets requirements for his return to superhero films

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Scott Derrickson, who directed the first Doctor Strange movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, has explained why, under specific circumstances, he might return to make a superhero movie. In an interview, Derrickson explained why he decided to take on the task of helming the first Sorcerer Supreme installment for the MCU. The director wanted to do something intriguing with the character, and that same desire would guide his choice to return to the genre. “I didn’t make Doctor Strange because it was a Marvel movie or because it was a comic book movie,” Derrickson said when asked why he made the first movie. I did it because I felt that I was the perfect director to adapt the Doctor Strange comics because I liked them and had really strong thoughts about them.

It was groundbreaking when the first Doctor Strange movie, featuring Benedict Cumberbatch, introduced viewers to the esoteric side of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.Derrickson thinks that content that demonstrated the genre’s development would entice him back as well as the fans.”SoI would for sure go back to comic book cinema if I was working with something that I felt was a good evolution of the genre,”he stated.”I do believe that we are in a period where viewers, including myself, don’t want to watch anything that is too similar to what has already been done.When it comes to comic book movies, I’m far more intrigued by the adventurous spinoffs than the creative genre experiments.I believe that dramatically altering it is the best method to persuade viewers to interact with it again.To return to that IP-driven comic book universe, that would be my main necessity.

The Black Phone and Sinister director Derrickson emphasised that fans and consumers expected innovation from studio productions, even their more well-known titles. “I do think that audiences want original programming in their event films now,” he stated. “That is a major shift that has happened, and it’s significant, and I just hope that studios don’t continue to flog the sequel franchise filmmaking in a way that costs us more time before they realise, hey, the audiences are really ready for new material.” Derrickson continued, “You can make something that’s original and people haven’t seen before from IP, but it has to be the right IP.” He did, however, acknowledge that the studio assets under consideration would have to be the correct fit for a delicate adaptation or big swing.

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