In this 9to5marvel exclusive trailer for Captain America, the neighbourhood Spider-Man stops by to ask for assistance in taking down the Sinister Six. The second issue picks up where the previous one left off, with Rogers attending a gathering of the German-American Bund. A new menace that could be connected to a villain from Roger’s past as Captain America appears to be recruiting some of his old foes. J. Michael Straczynski is the author of the new Captain America arc, while Jesus Saiz is the artist.

After the events of Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty, Steve Rogers encounters difficulties with his apartment building being condemned and decides to make repairs on his own. A worn-out Captain America tries to stop a heist and is nearly shot in the back when contractor Seung Kim draws his attention. This comes after a short team-up with The Fantastic Four to defeat Psycho Man. The film then regularly pans back to Rogers’ youth as an orphaned adolescent to reveal the explanation behind his present-day objectives before Rogers enlists Kim’s assistance in fixing his flat. Lord of Chaos Asmoday meets with Arianna Walters of A.I.M. while inhabiting Travis Lane somewhere else in the globe. The two come up with a scheme that might potentially rule the planet for a millennium and start hunting for a base of operations.
Spider-Man appears to see Steve Rogers in these exclusive preview pages from the next Captain America comic book. Rogers first seems unimpressed by Spider-Man’s visit before reluctantly deciding to assist him in stopping the Sinister Six. On one page, Rogers and Kim are conversing as new bathroom tiles and fittings are being installed, indicating that Rogers is also making significant work on the renovation of his flat. More details regarding Rogers’ history, which were left as a cliffhanger in the first issue when it was discovered that he had attended a German-American Bund meeting, are also disclosed in the pages. A page in Captain America depicts soldiers marching while carrying the American and Nazi flags, continuing the American Nazi movement’s presence in the comic book. Rogers, who is shown wearing what appears to be an orange jail uniform, doesn’t appear sympathetic to their case. Three villains are shown conversing on the last preview page, however the complete issue will reveal more about their identities and how they could be related to Travis Lane and A.I.M.’s current plans or Asmoday.