Nia DaCosta, the director of Marvels, has hinted at a relationship between Ronan, the villain from Guardians of the Galaxy, and Dar-Benn. The Marvels will cover how both Dar-Benn and Ronan have used Kree war hammers, known as Cosmi-Rods in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and as the Universal Weapon in the Marvel Comics Universe, according to an interview with DaCosta. DaCosta mocked, “Here’s what I’ll say about that. “I would simply like to let everybody who is seeing this movie or has expectations know that I am incredibly passionate about the comics. There are therefore always hints there. Dar-Benn’s Kree heritage has also been hinted to by The Marvels executive producer Mary Livanos, who recently said that the character “represents a new period of the Kree Empire following a devastating clash with Captain Marvel in the past. Dar-Benn thus sprang from the ruins of the Kree Empire. Zawe Ashton, who is engaged to Tom Hiddleston, the actor who plays Loki, will portray the villain. Recently, Ashton shared the advice her fiancé offered her about entering the MCU, which was, “What you put into Marvel, you get back.” He said, ‘If you go into this with an open heart and a fantastic work ethic and just want to deliver an amazing experience for the audience, you’ll have an amazing time on those sets,'” she continued. He gave me a lot of authority in that regard.
As a follow-up to four recent MCU films, The Marvels will continue the separate narratives of Carol Danvers, Monica Rambeau, Kamala Khan, and Nick Fury. These films include Captain Marvel, WandaVision, Ms. Marvel, and Secret Invasion. DaCosta recently detailed how the next sequel would overcome superhero weariness, despite the fact that not much is known about The Marvels other than Carol’s talents being entwined with those of Monica and Kamala. “Its extreme wackiness and silliness set it apart from the other MCU films to date in a huge way. The planets we visit in this film are very different from what you’ve seen in the MCU, she quipped. You’ve never seen such bright planets before. The Marvels stars Brie Larson, Teyonah Parris, Iman Vellani, and Samuel L. Jackson in their respective roles as Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel, Monica Rambeau/Photon, Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel, and Nick Fury from earlier MCU media. Saagar Shaikh, Zenobia Shroff, and Mohan Kapur, who previously played Kamala’s older brother Aamir, mother Muneeba, and father Yusuf, respectively, as well as Lashana Lynch as Maria Rambeu and Randall Park as Jimmy Woo, are more MCU veterans who have been confirmed to participate in The Marvels.