The connections between people, more so than the plot, the action, or the fidelity to the original material, have been what have propelled the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Her sacrifice was more devastating because of the closeness she shared with Hawkeye. Audiences kept returning to see what happened to Thor and Loki as a result of their complicated relationship. However, Tony Stark and Bruce Banner’s strong friendship served as the main driving force behind most of The Infinity Saga. Stark and Banner, who were called the Science Bros, hailed from various fields of science. Bruce Banner was a nuclear physicist, and although Stark was a mechanical engineer, they quickly became friends because of their desire to learn. Additionally, Tony’s confidence in Bruce at his most vulnerable point was what enabled Bruce to emerge as the hero rather than the Hulk. Although the couple has established themselves as a renowned team, their initial unofficial debut in The Incredible Hulk contradicted that.

Prior to taking on the identity of Iron Man, Tony Stark worked as a weapons manufacturer for the American military. However, once he ceased giving the company’s contractors firearms, he concentrated on using non-lethal methods to deal with specific circumstances. This also applied to a certain Hulk scenario. As a result, two enormous sonic cannons were built, perhaps in response to a request by General Ross. High-frequency soundwaves were to be used by these guns to defeat the Hulk, which would have theoretically halted the Green Goliath in his tracks. Betty Ross was in danger, but Hulk had the power to conquer and take out the guns. Even while Stark wasn’t manufacturing weapons at the time, his non-lethal strategy was very different from the hero who partnered with Banner in later years. The aggressive and combative tone of the cannons demonstrated this and demonstrated that, although being on the right path, Stark still had a ways to go before becoming the man he desired. It was fate that Hulk destroyed the cannons because, notwithstanding their limited value against Scarlet Witch, they signalled the end of Stark’s production of military-grade armaments.
Banner was at his most untamed and angry in The Incredible Hulk, while Stark was still the weapons maker trying to be a nice person. However, the characters had undergone significant transformations by the time they first met in The Avengers, which reshaped their initial encounter. For instance, Stark had completely embraced the avoidance of weapons and was attempting to enhance the world with renewable energy while Banner had improved relations with his spouse. The two would later develop techniques to better restrain the Hulk without harming him as the Science Bros. This entailed creating a confinement chamber and the Hulkbuster armour. Even the Hulkbuster armour had a sedative gas because Stark had to use violence as a last option to control his friend. Ultimately, the interaction between the two was much more advantageous than Hulk’s encounter with Stark’s technology. In the end, it was development that gave Stark and Banner’s friendship its distinctive quality, demonstrating how evolution might unite two potentially disparate worldviews.