The Multiverse revelation in Doctor Strange 2 was retconned by Marvel, according to fans

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Marvel has long used numerical designations to help audiences understand which versions of characters are being depicted in its vast multiverse. In the comics, the main Marvel universe has always been known as Earth-616, while other universes are given different designations. In the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), the official universe designation has been Earth-199999, which helps differentiate it from the comics and reinforces that the two will tell different stories with different variants of characters.

However, there has been some confusion regarding the designation of the MCU as Earth-616. This was initially referenced in 2019’s Spider-Man: Far From Home, where Mysterio, a character making up his multiversal origin, calls the MCU Earth-616. Later, in 2021’s Loki and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, the MCU was officially designated as Earth-616, which contradicted decades of comics continuity and the established Earth-199999 number for the MCU.

Many fans were understandably confused and concerned by this, as the entire point of the universe designations is to help audiences differentiate one universe from another. Fortunately, the newest trailer for Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse appears to be clearing things up. In the trailer, Miguel O’Hara, also known as Spider-Man 2099, references the MCU as Earth-199999, its longtime universe designation. This contradicts the designating of the MCU as Earth-616 in Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, which was a divisive revelation for fans.

Many fans were pleased to see the confusing MCU designation issue beginning to be cleared up in Across the Spider-Verse. They took to Twitter to express their excitement, glad to see the cinematic universe once again occurring “in the comics’ multiverse,” as it did before the Earth-616 designation was brought up. They were also happy that Marvel had abandoned the “absolute stupidity of calling the MCU 616” and expressed their relief that the 199999 designation was brought back.

While the trailer clears up the confusion about the MCU being given the longtime universe designation for Marvel’s comic stories, it does not address Peter B. Parker’s origin universe also being called Earth-616 back in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. However, there are a couple of ways to explain this away without breaking continuity. It could be that Peter B. Parker is, in fact, the comics version of Peter, many years down the road, or that Peter B. Parker is in fact 616-Peter Parker, in a story that the comics timeline hasn’t, and potentially will never, catch up to.

In conclusion, Marvel’s use of numerical designations has been an essential tool to help audiences navigate the complexities of the multiverse. The confusion over the designation of the MCU as Earth-616 may have caused concern among fans, but the newest trailer for Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse appears to have cleared things up, with the MCU once again designated as Earth-199999. While there are still some unanswered questions about Peter B. Parker’s origin universe, Marvel’s creative team will no doubt find a way to explain away the issue without breaking continuity.

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