A brand-new Avengers: Twilight variant cover showcasing Steve Rogers’ Captain America has been revealed by Marvel Comics. According to Marvel, the six-issue limited series Avengers: Twilight Saga by Chip Zdarsky and Daniel Acuña will explore what it means to be a superhero in the Marvel Universe as Steve Rogers deals with the tragic deaths of his former teammates and encounters characters who have surprising connections to current Avengers. Acuña’s Foil Variant Cover shows Steve in a brand-new outfit, racing to fulfil a destiny Marvel claims has been waiting for him his whole life: exacting revenge on the Avengers.

The future-set film Avengers: Twilight delves into a world where the world’s most powerful superhero team, the Avengers, have turned corrupt, using their power not for good but rather for power and personal gain. Steve, like his deceased Avenger pals, has long since buried his Captain America character and lives in this new, wealthy society that offers just the appearance of freedom. To restore the broken heritage of the Avengers and attempt to put the Avengers together in a world that does not want them, Steve has to raise Captain America back to life and take back the mantle. Zdarsky is certain that Captain America is the ideal character to go into this version of the Marvel Universe. “Steve is the perfect character with which to see a changed future since he’s been through that experience before coming out of WW2,” the writer said in a recent interview. “Seeing how he responds to a transformed America is always intriguing, at least to me, since his ethics, morals, and attitude are consistent! And since this future America seems to be ideal, Steve must decide whether to disturb the comforts of his fellow Americans in order to find the truth, Zdarsky added.
Zdarsky disclosed that Captain America would meet new people and reconcile with old ones in Avengers: Twilight, without giving away too many plot details. He said that The Defenders would encounter Steve Rogers. “We live in a world where everything is picked apart and spoiled before people even read issue one, so all I’ll say is, if you enjoy my work and enjoy Daniel’s work, I think you’ll enjoy this story of re-finding yourself,” Zdarsky said, emphasising that he wants readers to interact with the story without preconceived notions.