The real future threat is not supervillains, as Spider-Man 2099 demonstrates

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Chaos reigned in Spider-Man 2099: Dark Genesis. As he turns into the monster of the people, Carnage is returned with a bloodlust that drives the masses insane. Carnage has been rallying the populace and bringing him more victims to consume with the help of Halloween Jack. He targets everyone and is particularly interested in the mutant blood of Spider-Man 2099. He speaks in a way that appeals to the masses, which attracts more bees to his hive. Even though Carnage’s antics have received most of the attention, the overall atmosphere is one of gloom. The real threat of this dismal future has contributed significantly to the symbiote’s strength. Alchemax is the actual force in charge of New York. The reason why the people are so angry is because Alchemax has been violating their human rights. It portrays a bleak potential future in which strong companies have taken control of human existence from humans.

Fans of Dark Genesis will observe Alchemax using a card system throughout. They advertise it as a method for individuals to ultimately gain access to city benefits and services. Aluminium cards are the least expensive, but gold or platinum cards are available to those with more money. The more exclusive services you can access, the higher the card’s worth. It was never intended for everyone to have access to the card. It was merely intended to divide the population and give priority to those who could afford Alchemax services.

Having little control over access to healthcare and other services has led to a populace that is angry and frustrated. The top brass of Alchemax are shaping the laws for their own gain. It just takes a few little bits of kindling in this scenario to start a big fire. A monster like Carnage can thus utilise the turmoil to further his goals. The truth is that Carnage doesn’t actually care about the people; instead, he simply cares about the blood they offer him. He would much rather expand his dominance and build a new hive out of these eager minions. He’s viewed as a monster in New York who can overthrow the affluent, but the populace is eager to follow. In a sick parody of “eat the rich,” they have begun feeding the monster people in power. Since he is powered by blood in 2099, Carnage might quickly lose power if he didn’t have the backing of these individuals. For Spider-Man 2099, things would have been lot simpler, but now he must take into account the mob of angry civilians. Even if Miguel manages to defeat the lethal symbiote, Nueva York’s issue of class disparity will continue to exist.

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