The real meaning of Doctor Strange is the Passage of Time

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One of the best-made films in the whole Marvel Cinematic Universe is Doctor Strange from 2016. A important treatise on the need of letting time pass, moving on, and accepting change in life rather than trying to keep everything under control, the movie structures itself around the main topic of time passing. The imagery, character arcs, and narrative of Stephen Strange’s journey from a self-centered egomaniac to a heroic figure following the vehicle accident that destroys his medical career all serve to convey this. Dr. Stephen Strange, a highly accomplished and successful physician who is frequently arrogant and condescending, serves as the protagonist of the movie. He wrecks his hands in an automobile accident one night while operating a distracted vehicle. He travels to the Kamar-Taj and learns from the Ancient One about the realm of magic and other dimensions in an effort to mend them and get his former life back. Over time, while battling the evil Kaecilius and learning magic, Strange transforms from conceited to brave. He then defeats the supervillain Dormammu by locking him in a time loop until he gives up and departs Earth, leaving Strange to serve as the protector of the Sanctum Sanctorum in New York.

The movie’s message is conveyed in a variety of ways. The first is via the watch Christine Palmer gives Strange, which he wears for the duration of the movie. The fact that it breaks early on during a mugging represents Strange’s wish to halt and go back in time to his own existence before the disaster. At key points in the movie, the camera zooms in on the watch, and it appears in one of the closing scenes. The theme of time is reinforced by clocks and the time stone since Strange discovers how to physically turn back time and uses this ability to fix the sanctum in the climax. The primary antagonists Dormammu and Kaecilius have similar time-related motives. Kaecilius wants to unite with Dormammu and live eternally in a single instance of a “perfect” universe in a story that has elements of Evangelion. Kaecilius, like Doctor Strange, prefers to live in a fictional, “perfect” world than cope with the reality and possibilities of the one he now inhabits. He wishes to stop time forever. The similarities between them are emphasised throughout the movie, with the Ancient One comparing them from the outset and Kaecilius echoing Strange’s worlds back to him during his evil rant: “Just insignificant parts of a cold, uncaring universe.”

The Ancient One and Strange debate time’s origins and Strange’s reluctance to cede power once the Ancient One passes away. According to The Ancient One, Strange can only acquire control by letting go of it; in the film’s climactic scene, where he utilises time to defeat Dormammu, this lesson is demonstrated. Strange does what he set out to achieve in the first place, which was to freeze time, by locking Dormammu and himself in a single location in time for all eternity. However, once Dormammu abandons the Earth, Strange is able to advance through time both literally and intellectually. He achieves this by letting time pass as it always does and by allowing himself to develop with it as opposed to resisting it. With this theme of time passing, the movie comes together brilliantly. The first cause of Doctor Strange’s mishap is his refusal to acknowledge the surroundings. He refuses to perceive the opportunities in the world, which causes him to lose out on Christine’s love. And at first, he is unable to see what is around him, ignoring the care and concern of others until he ultimately loses everyone in his life. He can only genuinely become a true hero by finally experiencing the power of the present and realising how quickly time is passing.

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