One mutant hero and Orchis’ human leadership have just been partnered for the X-Men’s final stand. Cyclops is well on his way to escaping the villains’ fascist clutches alongside one of their own, as the few mutant heroes who are left battle and get ready to fight Orchis’ armies throughout the planet and beyond. As shown in the pages of Fall of the House of X, Cyclops has seized the chance to flee with the lady who was the inspiration for Orchis, and not even Doctor Alia Gregor is entirely sure why. Doctor Alia Gregor, a former A.I.M. scientist, was introduced in Jonathan Hickman and Pepe Larraz’s 2019 House of X. She wrote the study that provided the framework for Orchis’ creation. Doctor Gregor and her husband, Captain Erasmus Mendel, brought about the development and emergence of the Orchis Forge, which would eventually house their Mothermold.
In an attempt to save the Orchis Forge from being destroyed, Captain Mendel sacrificed himself after a crucial fight with the X-Men. Doctor Gregor was ready to resurrect her spouse even though he had died, thanks to a clone of his consciousness contained in a shell that could replicate itself. This Captain Mendel copy would later serve as the foundation for the nearly unstoppable Sentinel known as Nimrod. It’s become abundantly clear in recent months that Orchis’ artificial intelligence has never really acted in humanity’s best interests. Rather, they have been working behind the scenes to bring about the ascendancy of Dominion, the pinnacle of elevated intellect. In the end, Nathaniel Essex became a Dominonhood, assuming the identity of Enigma and becoming the next major danger to the Multiverse.
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