Author Al Ewing, illustrator Ibraim Roberson, colorist Matthew Wilso, and letterer Joe Sabino are the creators of Immortal Thor, which carries on the long-running plot from the comics about the Utgard versions of Thor and Loki going up against the world. In the most recent issue, Thor learns that his mother, Gaia, sent the Utgard version of Thor as a punishment because she believed that Earth’s inhabitants were destroying the planet. After receiving a severe warning from Gaia about the status of the planet, Thor made the decision to face Dario Aggar, the Minotaur and the head of Roxxon, a company that harms the planet more than most. However, Thor is unaware that Aggar and Enchantress have forged a bad alliance, which does not augur well for Thor.

Enchantress has persuaded Aggar to let Roxxon, a business renowned for its accurate retellings of Marvel Comics’ adventures, to purchase the imaginary Marvel Comics within the Marvel Universe. But now that they have Enchantress’ abilities, they can not only watch the events of Thor’s life play out in front of them in real time, but they can actually ALTER reality through the comics! In the sample pages, Thor storms into Aggar’s office and demands to speak with him, even if it means destroying a desk in the process.
Thor engages in combat with the Executioner on the other page. The old Thor villain made a reappearance early in the series with the intention of stopping Thor from dying. However, he has since sided with Enchantress, his former comrade, and because she is teamed with Aggar, the Executioner’s allegiances are currently extremely murky.