The beloved Marvel Cinematic Universe character Agent Carter has always been married to a mysterious man whose identity is unknown. Before production started on Captain America: The Winter Soldier, a framed picture of Peggy with her husband and kids was taken from the set because Marvel didn’t want to restrict themselves to one particular individual. Agent Carter actress Hayley Atwell praised Marvel for their strategy, saying that they are excellent at providing the viewers just enough knowledge to keep them interested while yet shocking them with unexpected surprises. While some fans anticipated that Peggy would eventually marry Daniel Sousa from the Agent Carter series, the love bond between them will likely never be further explored. Ultimately, in Avengers: Endgame, Peggy and Steve Rogers achieved their long-awaited happy ending, enjoying a meaningful life together in an alternate universe.
Despite the termination of Agent Carter and a lack of a comeback, Daniel Sousa’s character had some interesting adventures with the team of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. in their final season, involving time travel and joining up with familiar characters like Daisy Johnson and Phil Coulson. The loose ends regarding Agent Carter’s narrative may not be tied up anytime soon, and any further investigation of her tale will likely be related to her Captain Carter Variant or the version who spent a lifetime with Steve Rogers. While the mystery of Peggy’s previous timeline spouse may be disclosed accidently, it seems unlikely considering the objectives of people like Kang the Conqueror. The focus remains on the ongoing memory of Peggy Carter and the major influence she made on MCU.