In the forthcoming MCU film, director Jake Schreier makes fun of Bucky Barnes’ vibranium arm storage option by acknowledging Thunderbolts‘ dishwashing scene. Bucky Barnes is shown briefly in the first Thunderbolts trailer removing his vibranium arm from a dishwasher, which is somewhat different from the classy case in which it was initially shown. While Thunderbolts* uses Bucky Barnes’ vibranium arm as comedic relief in the promos, some fans find the shot amusing, while others find it a touch worrisome. In an interview with Empire, director Jake Schreier discusses Bucky’s arm and uses the internet debate surrounding it to hint at a “deep emotional journey” for Bucky and the other members of the Thunderbolts* ensemble. According to Shcreier, “Come for the dishwasher jokes, stay for the deep emotional journey.”
The whole Thunderbolts* cast will probably have about the same amount of comedic relief in the film, even though Bucky Barnes’ dishwashing shot could make some people chuckle. Red Guardian, Yelena Belova, and US Agent all make a few amusing one-liners in the Thunderbolts* teasers alone, implying that the entire cast will be humorous. Thunderbolts* will also offer Bucky Barnes a genuine arc that honors the character without trivializing his path, as director Jake Schreier argues.
If the Marvel Cinematic Universe hadn’t just gone beyond with humor, Bucky Barnes’ dishwasher scene most likely wouldn’t be a topic of conversation. For example, Thor finished a lengthy and difficult character journey in Avengers: Endgame, yet Thor: Love and Thunder prioritized comedic relief moments above learning multiple lessons. In a similar vein, Bucky Barnes’ MCU journey includes five films, one series before Thunderbolts*, over a hundred years in the universe, and fourteen years in real life. Perhaps it’s too late to make Bucky a humorous figure. In addition, Bucky Barnes’ strong vibranium arm has significant value inside the MCU. The vibranium prosthetic created by the Wakandans symbolized Bucky’s recovery, while his original arm symbolized his distressing recollections of Hydra’s indoctrination. Longtime MCU fans may find it strange to watch Bucky handle his new arm like any other thing. However, as the context of the sequence is still unclear, it is plausible that Bucky is hiding his arm in Thunderbolts* by keeping it in the dishwasher.

Source:- Empire